Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Top 10 Solar Technologies to Watch Out For

Solar power technology is moving forward by leaps and bounds, with some new advancements being built out into usable installations virtually every day. Design concepts once thought to be ‘pie in the sky’ ideas are being implemented, and making a simple solar panel array look like old-school technology .While it may be some time before you see some of these solar technologies in use, chances are it will be sooner rather than later, so keep your eyes on these:

(See more detail articles....)

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Mencairnya Methane Hydrates=Kiamat? - SejutaBlog

Satu lagi berita buruk, Pemanasan Global juga membawa satu potensi bencana besar bagi planet kita, yaitu mencairnya Methane Hydrates: Metana beku yang tersimpan dalam bentuk es. Jumlahnya cukup mencengangkan 3.000 kali dari metana yang saat ini ada di atmosfer.

Mencairnya Methane Hydrates=Kiamat? - SejutaBlog

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